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Planning Board Agenda 07/26/10
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Size: 34K
Last Updated: 2010/7/15

July 26, 2010
Town Hall Meeting Room, Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order 6:00 p.m.

  • Conditional Use Approval Application(s):
A.  Continuation of
Conditional Use Approval Application #012-2010
OWNER(S):  Town of Mount Desert
APPLICANT(S):  Anthony Smith, Public Works Director
LOCATION:  Steamboat Wharf Road, Seal Harbor
TAX MAP: 29  LOT: (In a Town Right-of-Way)  ZONE(S): VR2/SR1  
PURPOSE:  Section – 3.4 – Commercial Public Utility – Wastewater Pump Station

B.  Conditional Use Approval Application # 013-2010
OWNER(S):  Mount Desert Island Historical Society
AGENT(S):  Charlotte Singleton or Designee Charlotte Singleton
LOCATION:   373 Sound Drive, Mount Desert
TAX MAP:  8  LOT:  50   ZONE(S):  Res 1
PURPOSE: Section 5.5 – Amendment to a Conditional Use Approval (CUP#99-04)

  • New Business:
Seal Cove Auto Museum Maine Department of Transportation Signage request per Section 6B.16.4.5 Directional signs on roadsides within the Town of Mount Desert.

  • Approval of minutes from June 28 and July 12, 2010.
V.      Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is in the Meeting Room, Town
 Hall, Sea Street, Northeast Harbor at 6:00 p.m., Monday, August 9, 2010.